How do I turn on user styles (custom.css) support in Brave?

I wrongly expected developers to read this post. I pretty sure now that doesn’t happen. So to close this out I did some more research.

This is not definitive, but I assume that this capability, that was there before, has now been removed. How it was removed, I don’t know.

Some notes:

  1. Brave used to have a mechanism that half did this job. Not the part I need unfortunately. It removed some elements entirely. This seems to have been removed. The mechanism I want seems to have also been present as illustrated by the presence of a custom.css file in Brave configuration directories.
  2. I’d forgotten, I raised this issue in 2019, when it was preventing me from using Brave. Then, too, I got no technical reply. Centralized CSS / Element Blocking Management
  3. I found some discussions, going on for years, about this issue. One person was determined enough to came up with a Chrome Extension to fix it. I haven’t check his work. https:[slash][slash]github[dot]com[slash]Eltee-Taiwo[slash]ChromePageStyler[slash]blob[slash]master[slash]scripts[slash]ActiveStyleLoader[dot]js
  4. Don’t use Stylish, it fell into the hands of people who have tricked many into being surveilled.

My conclusion. Not worth more of my time. I fixed it (for now) with something called Stylus that alters CSS. (Not ideal: I now need to maintain another mechanism and this mechanism is, I’m sure, slower than my first choice.) Matter closed.

Hope that saves somebody else some time.

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