How do I set Brave to private browsing only? (I CAN"T FIND THE ANSWER ON DUCKDUCKGO)!

Can you please stop taking my post down because idk the answer.

Hello unknown123456789 , I am not a member of staff but would like to try to Help. In doing a search from this site ( it is really handy ) your previous post came up. Re-posting one liners , CAPS , and your tone is not conducive to getting help. My suggestion is to follow the guides and templates or search this site.
Just knowing your version of Brave and OS is a minimum to help anyone. :sunglasses:

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You’ve been given everything necessary to find and provide us the information we need. Pressing caps lock is not one of those requirements.
Are you using the Brave core builds or the previous Muon build?
If core, are you on release, beta, or dev?
What do you mean by “private browsing only”?
Do you mean you want brave to only open in private windows?
Or are you saying that you want it to only open in tor windows?
Or maybe you’re saying that you want all browsing data erased once you exit the session?
Could also just be asking about how to configure brave to be “private” while browsing.

Please be respectful, follow the basic guidelines like everyone else, and I’d be happy to help you. I will leave this post open for you to edit/format appropriately.

I just downloaded Brave today ( and I want it to be permanently on private window only. My OS is Windows 8.1.

You’re using the Release build, version 0.56.15. You’ll find that in your “About Brave” information.

There’s currently no way to do what you’re asking with respect to some settings you configure. The workaround being that you could just only open private/tor windows. We have an issue logged to add this feature:

Follow the guidelines and fill out the template the next time you post or it will be deleted.
Thank you.

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