How do I block this "ad" (on

The “ad” I’d like to block might not technically an ad in the browser sense of the word.

On the Codenames site (, after you create a room, it opens a “room” for setting up a game, but in the bottom left corner, it displays an ad for their mobile app.

My bet is that, because this is basically just an image provided by Codenames on its own page, it would not be considered an ad for the purposes of ad blocking and thus is not evidence of a bug. But just to be thorough, I’ll answer the rest of the questions:

It functions the same whether Shields is on or off (I have it on by default) and in a private window. I’m using Windows and Brave version 1.71.123.

Is there any way to block this?

@ggurman check out $ Answer Boxes under the search bar, How to Remove Them? - #3 by Saoiray to learn how to block elements.

That said, I just did similar to instructions on that and ended up with:[src*="/promo/cnapp/en-gameplay-landscape-2.png"]

So whether you do it yourself or take the easy way out and put that rule in under content filters, am assuming should work fine for you, at least for now. Perhaps might need some adjusted rules in the future if they were to put in anything new, but yeah…

Thanks so much! That was really easy!