How can I edit the "sites that always use cookies" list?

clicking on the little trashcan does nothing. 1.31.87 on new Apple Silicon.

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I was looking for this same issue. Iā€™m ā€œrelievedā€ that it has been logged a year ago and is still not fixed!!!

MacBook Pro | Mojave 10.14.6
Brave 1.31.87 Chromium: 95.0.4638.54 (Official Build) (x86_64)

Also here:

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Agreed, it is unfortunate. It doesnā€™t change things much for me personally but I know it bothers a lot of people.

If you havenā€™t already, it might help to add a comment to the GitHub issue and/or give the original GitHub post a :+1: to keep attention on it.

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Search results indicate there have been many incidents raised regarding this issue over the last 2 years, but seemingly no resolution, yet all incidents get closed due to exceeding the month with no reply threshold. Iā€™m swapping browsers if this post doesnā€™t get a response from a Dev confirming this has been resolved, or has been added to the backlog and wil be investigated ASAP.

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