Description of the issue: Switching tabs makes the entire browser close. This has been ongoing for several versions of Brave so far, doesn’t fix on update. Today Brave JUST updated, I experienced the crash, tried again, crashed again (I can usually go a while between crashes); this time I got a popup saying to clear my cache as it was caused by a “bug” in the app. Worrisome!
How can this issue be reproduced? Unsure, it’s at random.
Expected result: Brave closes.
Brave Version( check About Brave): 1.52.129, Chromium 114.0.5735.198
Mobile Device details Samsung Galaxy Tab S6, Android 12; Build/SP2A.220305.013
@tehuti88 hey, need you to do a favor. Go to brave://crashes and make sure you hit Send Now if there’s an option to do that on crashes listed. In order for them to then be uploaded, you’ll need to close Brave again for like 30-60 seconds. Open Brave and go back to brave://crashes. You should see the words Uploaded Crash Report ID. We’ll need those IDs. It’s better if you can copy/paste those as it helps Support to access it quicker and more accurately.
There are only 2 crash reports available as I only just found where to turn this on last night. There’s no option to send them, it seems to say they’ve been uploaded? Anyway this is the text:
Awesome. I’ll tag @Mattches on this and he’ll try to get devs to look into it when possible. It’s not always anything quick, so may not be a reply today. And with it bring Friday, likely won’t hear anything Saturday or Sunday. But definitely will get to you when they can.
Here’s a couple more. Weirdly, I just experienced one crash yet it shows two.
I forgot to mention that the crash before this one, my tablet suggested I put Brave into deep sleep to prevent the crashing (which does away with the whole point of using it ).
A bit ago I suddenly noticed I had a second Brave window open somewhere in the background for I don’t know how long, likely quite a few weeks based on the content. I closed it at last and thought maybe that had been the cause…but nope, this latest crash occurred some time after.
@Mattches@steeven i see it’s been about 10 days since Mattches last checked in. Was wanting to tag y’all to see if there’s any additional information based on the crash reports yet. Thanks
Sorry for the late reply here. I’m actually being told that this appears to be an upstream Chromium issue. We are going to look in and see if there is a straightforward fix we can implement on our end but it will likely have to wait for the fix upstream.
Well nuts, I accidentally deleted & edited the wrong posts, I had two previous crashes listed but removed them. They aren’t still in my crash history, sigh.
@tehuti88 just to rehash, Mattches did advise that they see your issue is an upstream problem on Chromium. They were going to see if devs could figure anything out on Brave’s side, but not sure how likely that would be. Also have to say usually would take a long time.
Essentially your best bet is to try to share information with Chromium and see if they can look into it. So sharing more crash reports won’t necessarily be of any help and I don’t think it would have them helping any faster.
That said, let me tag @Mattches once more to see if he has any updates or if he can confirm it’s just a matter of “sit and wait” until the teams get to it. And whether there’s any way of knowing an ETA or if it will remain a mystery overall.
Just checked in again — looks like this will have to wait for an upstream fix unfortunately. We do apologize for the inconvenience. I will try to check back in with them regularly to see if can get an update on the status of the issue from the Chromium side.
Apologies if I seemed pestery. I’m afraid I don’t understand any of this “upstream fix” stuff so I figured I would just keep submitting the crash reports in case they contained further info. I also have no idea what “sharing information with Chromium” entails so I suppose I’ll just wait and hope.
EDIT: Eehhhh it crashed again right after I navigated away from posting this ffwsegtddessgffffjhh.
Okay, so the long and short of it is that Brave, Edge, Chrome, and many other browsers are using Chromium for their engine. In other words, they all share the same base code. Then Microsoft, Brave, Google, and whoever else will make edits to that code to make it unique to them. Such as how Brave removes anything going to Google, adds in code for Shields and Rewards, puts in code to change the design/layout a bit, etc.
When it’s said to be an upstream fix, it means it’s an issue in the origin code. So the Chromium team would have to fix it. While Brave technically could fix it, the time and/or resources (money and staff attention) required to do so would fit outside of what they are able to spare at this time.
I guess another not-so-friendly way of saying it is “Brave doesn’t have enough people to work on your issue and it’s only impacting a very small subset of people. Therefore it is a low priority item that they won’t be fixing. You will have to wait until the main Chromium project to make adjustments, however long that might take. But you’re pretty much not going to be getting any additional help from Brave on this exact issue beyond them trying to relay the issue to the people working on Chromium.”