Facebook account email not recognized on brave browser

Today I made Brave my default browse but my facebook account is not being recognized. Still works fine on other browsers. Can anyone help me understand this? Thx

Can you please provide some additional information surrounding your issue? What exactly do you mean by your account is “not recognized”? Do you mean that you’re unable to login to FB while on Brave?

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Thanks Mattches - I transferred over my bookmarks and when I click on my facebook page it show up but not as me logged in. The same thing if I simply paste the page url. My page is there but it asks me to log in. When I log in with the email and password associated with my account (which all work on other browsers) it says password is incorrect - and when I try to retrieve my account or change the password using my email address (all I’ve ever used and the only one I have and I’m entering it correctly) it says search did not return any results. I also tried the only phone number I have with the same message - although I don’t think I ever gave that to them. Basically, my email that I have alwaysed used is not being recognized but only with Brave. I hope that makes sense - thanks foryour help!

Can you try clearing site data for Facebook and then trying again?

  1. Visit facebook.com
  2. Click the “lock” icon in the address bar (left side)
  3. Click Site settings --> Clear data
  4. Close/relaunch the browser
  5. Visit Facebook again and try to login as you normally would.

Let me know what you find out.

Hi - it didn’t work initially but with fresh eyes through another browser I changed my password, and although not related to the problem I was having it now works on Brave, so apparently clearing the data helped. Thanks so much!

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