Error: Brave Rewards profile is flagged - SUPPORT TICKET #204813

Hello, I opened support ticket #204813 on July 3rd, support replied and said it would be fixed before next rewards.
My Brave rewards profile is still flagged and I’m unable to link my Uphold account. The problem was never solved.
I haven’t received any further replies, could someone from support take a look?

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@uidvh4_HG.d it’s currently the weekend, support doesn’t typically work weekends or American holidays. I’m sure @Evan123, @steeven, or someone else will try to look into it when they get back. Just give it a little time.

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@uidvh4_HG.d you’ll receive a reply by tomorrow. Thank you.

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Arya replied on 8/8/23 and said they were reviewing it further.
I will keep this thread updated on the progress.
Thank you.

Resolved. Thank you.

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I’m having the same issue, but i can’t find anywhere to contact support. The link regarding flagged accounts isn’t helpful. Not sure what to do.

DMing you now @KyleWhite. Thanks!

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