Error: Brave Rewards profile is flagged - Again - SUPPORT TICKET #204813 - this keeps happening

Hello, I submitted a support ticket #204813 last week…have not heard anything from support. Could someone please fix this again? it keeps happening every 6 months or so. I also have to follow up my suppport tickets by posting here to make sure they get attention.
Help? Anyone?


Just FYI, I had a ticket submitted back on June 21st, and my ticket number was in the 202,000 number and they barely resolved my issue today, July 10th. It is to my understanding they generally go by number received and within the month of June, they had a widespread number of tickets to process. Our difference of 2,000 alone shows just how much. I would say please wait it out a few weeks to see and continually monitor your email, especially spam folder in case it ends up there.

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I just received this error for my account. How can I create a support ticket?

Someone will get to your ticket as soon as possible.

@coskunyay you can submit a ticket here:

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