Could not close the YouTube voice search

Hello, whenever I open YouTube, it redirects to voice search instead. I have been dealing with this problem for 2 or 3 days. It’s starting to get very annoying. In my opinion, this may have something to do with bravein’s own ad blocker.

I am having this issue on brave beta and brave nightly for Android but apparently not on the vanilla brave mobile app. The voice search opens every time I open a YouTube page with brave.

It happens whether or not I am logged in to Google or using a VPN.

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Same here. I’ve written to the support, but they are not willed to help.

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As much as I liked the Brave browser, I switched to another browser because of this problem. This is not an ordeal.

Force an update of the lists in settings/shields/content filtering

Have a look at this potential solution. Same issue posted in another thread.

Thank you for the solution I am going to try but I already tried the clear cache. It won’t work

I didn’t expect it to get solve, but thanks to it, it did. Thank you very much, I really didn’t think about it. :joy: