Connected site wallet option

Hello, i used to use this option on my brave wallet . Now i can’t find it anymore so i can’t connect to web3 apps.
Any help would be welcomed , thank you.

i’ on brave 1.66.110

Edit : I just noticed that "Connected sites " appears when switching to Solana Mainnet Beta but disappear on the Etherum mainnet

Description of the issue:

Is the issue occurring on a specific network?

What operating system are you using?

Brave Version (check About Brave):

Additional Information:

Hello! Check your default wallet settings. Here are instructions:

Not sure who clicked the link(s) but hopefully careful, as this is a scammer that wasn’t noticed until just now. I’m flagging them but not sure how long until Support will be able to ban the account.

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Thank you for the warning. Fortunately, I did not click on those links. In any case, I was able to fix my issue by installing a previous version of Brave where the option appears.

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