Configure Brave in general


Im preparing playbooks to configure the desired state of several machines and Brave is my Browser choice to go. I wondered now if there is a way to configure Brave with Windows registry or better would be some command lines to set up startpage, disable facebook connection, etc.
I have looked in the existing issues/qustions, on github, on the website and searched on the internet but I have not found any helpful information to how to configure Brave programaticly.

Is it even possible and is there some kind of manual or documentation that explains the possibilities?

Kind regards

Hello @garcipat

check this one for all command argument


are there arguments for installation as well? to preconfigure the application before run it the first time and not having to run the app with arguments all the time

Kind regards

let me ask @Mattches to help you with that as i never did it and not sure if google enterprise tool would help to config brave

pleaase notice it still weekend so it would take time to get response

and have a nice day both of you :slight_smile:

I believe you will be able to/want to do this via Group Policy:

Assuming you have a domain controller or something like Active Directory setup, you can download the templates, then configure them the way you’d like before propagating them across machines.

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Cool, I will take a look. Thank you for the hint!

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