uphold has not been paying since September 2023, my bats have not arrived, how do we solve it and the bats that disappeared, how do I do it?
@leobrgyn please create a Rewards Support Ticket at https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360001302431
Btw, just a side note, it might help you to learn how to Search Before Posting. That link will teach you how to search this site and refine the results. The only reason I mention this is you’d see that there are many people with this issue each month and everyone is always told the same thing…to create a support ticket. It just might have saved you some time if you had noticed.
Anyway, once you get that ticket submitted, they’ll investigate and try to respond. Just keep in mind they don’t tend to work on American holidays or weekends. Usually need to give them at least 3-5 business days to see your ticket and respond.
brave is disappearing with tokens my since September 2023