For the last 6 months i receive “Congrats! Your xxxxx rewards have arrived!”
but there is no actual claim button to claim my rewards
I have this issue, too, for November and December 2022. My last entry in the “View statement” option was on October, 2022.
I’ve just opened a Ticket at Brave Help Center and my Ticket ID is 175089.
Edit: I wonder if the claim button is not necessary for verified wallets with Gemini. Because I’ve just seen that I had deposits for November (in December) and December (in January, 2023). But now I have another mystery, because I didn’t see any deposit in October (for September) nor in November (for October).
Wow, I am really confused…
Yeah its weird my last claimed rewards were in September 8, hope someone gets it fixed soon.
@SaltyBanana look into this please. Thanks!
I edited my previous response right now. Please, take a look.
yes i am not connected to a verified wallet because uphold and gemini are no longer working in my country thats why i need the button to claim the rewards into the local browser wallet
@SaltyBanana I have the similar problem, I still haven’t received the payment, this is my ticket number 174603. I’m connected to uphold.
my device will be flagged?, last month I received the payment correctly
The report was made on January 9
Hi,I have this similar problem, How do you solve it?
Hi @Kokokapaku I’ve passed this on to our team for review.
Hello @citrix ,
Could you please submit the information surrounding your issue to our Rewards Support form. From there we can provide further assistance and investigate your case.
Thank you!
I am also not seeing the Claim button for the December payout despite being told my December rewards have arrived. This is the first time that I have seen it behave like this. But something is a little odd…
I have a verified Gemini account and I downloaded my transaction history in Gemini to see that something was transferred on January 7th. When I add up everything that has been sent to the account, it tallies with what is shown in Brave rewards. However… when I view my December statement in Brave rewards, it shows nothing has been sent.
I feel this rewards mechanism is confusing a lot of people. Every month, there are issues against it. I never understood, for instance, why I needed to press a Claim button when I have a verified account. It should just go there automatically, which I think it has done this time.
I think you can use brave wallet for that function
Hi @SteveVale welcome to Community
Could you please submit the information surrounding your issue to our Rewards Support form. From there we can provide further assistance and investigate your case.
Thank you!
Done. Ticket. number is 175709.
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