So my friends harddrive recently started bluescreening and at first he thought he could just restart it few times and it would work, but no, its always a bluescreen poping up. So i got my hands on his harddrive, plugged it in and got acces to EVERYTHING, all his files and his accounts. so i think i should be able to get his passwords back right?
I’ve tried making a new windows account, get brave, put my friends brave files in to my new account and replacing them with the harddrive ones. I got VERY far, but when i went to password manager and the autofill thingy, there was nothing and i know myself that hes saved every simgle password on thereand that hes had offer to save passwords the entire time using brave, but i dont know how that feature works( the offer to save passwords). When i got in his brave account a got acces to his history searches, automatiaclly getting into some of his accounts (discord, etc).
So just trying to see if anybody reaches out to me with some help, in any possible way.
I have
- All his files (windows, user, apps, etc)
- able to acces all of them
- offer to save passwords
With all of this information i should be able to get his passwords back, right? (With all of this i also need just one email, but its somehow not saved i think, in the brave browser. maybe theres a folder/file with all used email? idk
Hope somebody reaches out!