Can't open rewards settings - "Wallet creation failed" error

Description of the issue:
When i try to reach Brave Rewards settings both with url brave://rewards/ (chrome://rewards/) or with “Rewards Settings” button in popup, it shows the following error:

Wallet creation failed
Please check your Internet connection.

(See screenshot)

Sure i have my Internet connection working and very stable.

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3.

  1. Go to brave://rewards/ or chrome://rewards/
  2. Click “Yes I’m in!” or “Yes I’m Ready” button.
  3. Get the error “Wallet creation failed. Please check your Internet connection”.

Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):
Brave Rewards Setting is not opened, i got error that Wallet creation failed.

Expected result:
Brave Rewards Settings page should be opened.

Reproduces how often:
100% of time

Brave Version(about:brave):
Brave | 0.58.21 Chromium: 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Revision | 15234034d19b85dcd9a03b164ae89d04145d8368-refs/branch-heads/3578@{#897}
OS | Mac OS X

Reproducible on current live release (yes/no):

Additional Information:
Everything is ok with my internet connection.

I have been getting the same error as well, at least for the last week. Windows 10 64 bit.

I keep having the very same problem and is quite annoying … is like an endless cycle that cannot be broken so I am trapped and is not allowing me to go forward to be part of the proposed scheme of rewards etc… I really hope this could be sorted out

@Asad @LaurenWags Can you help here?

We’ve had a couple users encounter this and have an issue logged:

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