Cant link brave rewards with Gemini'

Hello, I have been using brave for some time now. I see that my region [ Romania ] is supported for brave rewards and I have some stored up BAT, when I try to link my BAT with a Gemini account it shows that it is not supported in my region. I looked over at Gemini and saw that my country is supported

Salut! Eu am contul de Gemini conectat pe telefon si desktop. Cand am incercat sa il conectez si la laptop mi-a spus la fel, ca regiunea nu este suportata. Probabil este un bug temporar…

Please in the future, try to use the magnifying glass thing on Brave Community to search for topics before you create one. Many people have asked about this and there are official announcements made. It gets tiring answering the same question repeatedly only because someone doesn’t want to take the time to search. And as people create many topics like this, it gets harder for people to search through topics for answers.

The official post is NOTICE: New region restrictions on verifying Brave Rewards with Gemini

The answer is Romania is currently not accepting Brave to partner with Gemini. Only the countries listed in the above link is able to connect with Gemini.

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După cum am afirmat în comentariul anterior, nu este o eroare. Acest lucru s-a întâmplat din cauza unor probleme tehnice și juridice pe care Brave trebuie să le rezolve cu guvernele și Gemini. Aceștia lucrează pentru a rezolva problema și pentru a permite Brave să se conecteze în viitor, dar, în acest moment, Gemini nu poate permite Brave să se conecteze, chiar dacă Gemini poate oferi conturi în zona dumneavoastră. Aceasta este o problemă cu Brave și nu cu utilizatorii.

As I stated in the prior comment, it is not a bug. This has occurred due to technical and legal issues that Brave needs to resolve with governments and Gemini. They are working to resolve it and let Brave connect to it in the future, but at this time Gemini is unable to allow Brave to be connected even though Gemini is able to offer accounts to your area. This is a problem with Brave and not with users.

Hmm… if i tell you that i can log in to my Gemini account on my android phone and desktop, do you believe me ? :smiley: Only when i try to link my Gemini account to my laptop i have a problem. And yes, i understood that Romania is currently not accepting Brave to partner with Gemini.

You are saying that you can connect Brave to your Gemini on those devices? If so, that would be strange unless you are connecting to an account that is not associated with Romania.

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