Cannot Disable FORCED HTTPS (For localhost any site)

None of the options to stop forcing HTTPS work. No matter what you do, that annoying little s sneaks back in, rendering localhost connections broken and annoying the hell out users. All the posts asking for help go dark and close after a month or two, so just to throw a solution for HTTPS not disabling and being foced even when all the setting and flags say not to, this is the ony solution that works for me every time. The browser still reverts every now and then so you want to have it bookmarked until the options are fixed considering these complaints go years back and all the way up to last month.

*** chrome://net-internals/#hsts ***

go to this page and enter the domain in the bottom bo TO DELETE the protection forced upon you. Hit delete and open a new tab- magic, something that actually works. Hope this saves someone the aggrevation it caused me - even their AI didn’t know to mention this.

This comes thanks to Chat GPT on my very first request for help.

For the benefit of onlookers (notice last part of) the window at brave://net-internals/#hsts:

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