Bug Report: Brave hangs when trying to select and copy address bar

Description of the issue:
Brave hangs when trying to select http(s) address bar and copy selected address using mouse 2 button to open popup menu and selecti Copy-command from that popup menu.
Popup Menu does not open and Brave hangs.

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary):

  1. Go to a page with links. Open a link into new tab: Point the link. Click mouse button 2 to open Popup menu. From the menu select “Open link in new tab”
  2. Select that new tab by mouse click.
    (Next you read the page and decide to copy this address to another application)
  3. Select the address line of the selected tab by clicking it once with mouse button 1. The whole http(s) address line is now selected (=blue).
  4. When pointing the selected address line try to open menu with mouse button 2. Popup Menu does not open and all brave browsers are hang. You cannot e.g. scroll window or change active tab. I need to run bash pkill brave or some other way to kill brave and restart it.


  1. After steps 1-3 brave is working fine. You can e.g. change tab etc. If you come back to tab created in steps 1,2,3 and try to do step 4 Brave hangs.
  2. If you do Step 4 without Popup menu by using Control-C Brave works OK, it does not hang but address is copied correctly into clipboard. So problem is related to opening the popup menu.
  3. I always have quite many open brave sessions.
pgrep brave|wc -l

This may or may not have affect on the issue. I still have plenty of mem, 64 GB in this machine and there is lot of free mem also, so out of mem is not a reason for this Brave hang.

Unfortunately I cannot tell what steps to do to make this problem “go away” because it does not occur every time / every day and later today I was not able to reproduce the error. But when it occurs, it occurs several times in a row: Brave hangs, I have to run pkill brave, restart brave, restore pages, try again steps 1-4, brave hangs,…

Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):
All brave browers hang. You cannot e.g. scroll window or change active tab.

Expected result:
Correct result would be: Mouse button 2 click opens a menu with Cut / Copy / … commands and I would be able to select Copy.

Reproduces how often:
Today several times / constantly. Before that about a week without error. So pretty randomly but still too often.

Operating System and Brave Version(See the About Brave page in the main menu):
Ubuntu 20.4 LTS
Brave Version 1.44.112 Chromium: 106.0.5249.119 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Additional Information:

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Hello there @J-K please accept my apologies for this inconvenience.

Could you please try opening your main profile in private or guest mode to see if the crash does not happen when selectin the link? If it does not happen, try disabling your extensions to see if this is the cause of the issue.

You can open a Guest Window by going to Main menu --> Open Guest window:

  1. On your computer, open Brave.
  2. At the top right, click Menu → More tools → Extensions.
  3. On to the extension you want to remove, click Remove.
  4. Confirm by clicking Remove.

Let me know if that works.

Okay, I can corroborate this situation. It has made Brave completely useless to me. First I cannot seem to import anything from the older version. Now, this copy anything is a problem and locks up the browser as far as editing goes.

Now, following your instructions, I am currently editing this text in the Guest window. And I had to manually copy my username/password from Firefox since I removed the LastPass extension, which was the only extension I had on this browser. So, there are currently no extensions installed in Brave, and I can confirm the same problem persists.

The paste seems to work from other places, but the text in the edit windows block up and move like pictures instead of selecting text. I cannot place the cursor anywhere.

As you say, editing and cut/paste is working fine in the Guest window.

So, I am wondering if it was caused by me creating another profile.

I created new profile yesterday and now I have seen this problem, but to be fair I have done enough to notice it before I created a new profile after this install.

While you are fixing this issue it would be nice to be able to import bookmarks, history, credentials, cookies, and last state from ~/.config/BraveSoftware/BraveBrowser. Yes, I am on linux.

1.45.118 Chromium: 107.0.5304.91 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Revision 3d5948960d62418160796d5831a4d2d7d6c90fa8-refs/branch-heads/5304@{#1097}
OS Linux
JavaScript V8

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I have deleted the extra profile to remain with the originally created “Profile 1”. I am editing this window, but I cannot select text with feed back. It does not show me with selected text. However, it seems to work. Just no visual feedback on what is selected. It now seems like I can place the cursor.

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Hi there @Polar are you using Ubuntu 20.4 LTS as well or a different Linux OS?

Could you please try installing both Brave Beta and Nightly to see if the issue persist on those Brave versions? You can install them from here https://brave.com/download-beta/ and make sure you are on the latest Brave version.

Be waiting for your response.

Yes, I am using Pop!OS which is System76’s version of Ubuntu. 20.04.

Strange thing is now, the problem seems to have resolved itself. I am now able to select text. I do not think anything changed other than shutting down the browser a few times. And I have the lastpass extension in it as well.

Now, if I could only import my old bookmarks, history, passwords, and toolbar state.

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I haven’t replied earlier because this error has not occurred after my report.
After the report I have also received at least one Brave upgrade.

I will try your steps when the error occurs again.

I try to keep number of extensions low, currently have these.

Ghostery – Privacy Ad Blocker
LastPass: Free Password Manager
Print Friendly & PDF
video downloader - CocoCut

The video downloader is newest. I did not have that when the error occurred earlier time.

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Have you created an HTML file with your browsing data from your other profile or importing the information from the other profile?

  1. Launch Brave and open the Main menu newmenuicon.png
  2. Select Bookmarks --> Import Bookmarks and Settings
  3. Select from the list of detected browsers you want to Import from
  4. Check the desired settings to import and click Import

To export your data as HTML do the following:

  1. Launch Brave and open the Main menu: newmenuicon.png
  2. Select Bookmarks --> Bookmarks Manager
  3. Open the More options menu at the top right
  4. Select Export and choose where you want to store the exported file.

Let me know if that works.

Hi again, glad to read this issue solve by itself. If you encounter the same crash again, please let me know in order to further investigate.

Regards. :lion:

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