Brave won't let me claim my rewards :/

Brave won’t let me claim my rewards for 2 months now, and I can’t find a customer support email address to contact them about it.

Basically, the “Your rewards from Ads are here! [CLAIM]” button is there, but every time I click it, nothing happens. Literally nothing. It doesn’t even pull up a dialogue box of “Oops, something happened.”

I’m afraid to uninstall/reinstall brave because I don’t want to lose the rest of my rewards I’ve accumulated since 2019, but I don’t know how else to fix this.

Update: I did uninstall/reinstall. Did nothing. Still having the same problems.

Thank you for reaching out. So basically the Claim button is unresponsive when it appears and clicking on it has no affect – correct?

Can you please tell me what OS and Brave version you’re using at this time?

Yes, it is unresponsive when clicking it.
I am on Windows 10 and Brave v. 1.33.106.

Can you please try clicking on the claim button, then going to your brave://rewrds-internals page and sharing the event logs with me here (on the Event logs tab)?

do you mean this? It was the most recently logged thing (next most recent is 12/09).

I think we may need more detailed logs from you to diagnose this. Apologies for the hassle but hopefully this will give us the right information. Follow the instructions below to submit your Rewards logs to us for further review:

  1. Enable Enable Brave Rewards Verbose logging inside of brave://flags. (Relaunch if prompted)
  2. (If Verbose Logging was already on, please restart your browser)
  3. Go to brave://rewards-internals and click on Logs
  4. Wait 5 - 10 seconds and click on the Refresh Button
  5. Download your logs.
  6. Fill out the form on this page and submit the logs →
  7. DM me the case number you are given once you are done.

Thank you.

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