Brave wallet id changed

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Briefly describe your issue:

What Operating System and Brave version are you using ( Menu --> About Brave )?
Windows 10 64Bit
Is your browser wallet currently verified? (yes/no)
What date did you verify your wallet?
June 2021
Have you been able to successfully receive payments in the past?
Are you using a VPN? (yes/no)
Are you in a supported region (see here for list of supported regions)?
Does your device pass the SafteyNet check (Android only)?
Have you manually turned off Auto-contribute on all of your devices linked to Uphold??

I force stopped Brave browser and now i guess the wallet id changed and now it is asking me to link the wallet to uphold but cannot successfully link because I have already linked 4 devices previously.
I even filled up a form to unlink my device but there was no response.
Kindly if possible change my wallet id to previous one or unlink all of my devices from uphold to relink them again correctly.
Also after my wallet id was changed, I am not receiving any ads for over a week and I don’t know any fix for this.
I didn’t even receive the BAT tokens for the previous month as my wallet id changed automatically.
Kindly help me @SaltyBanana @steeven

Force stopping the browser would not have changed your wallet payment ID. This typically only happens when you reset your wallet. We cannot change your ID for you. As for the unlinking request, yours will be addressed in the order it was received and we appreciate your patience.

Once you have a slot free, please verify your new wallet ID to continue earning normally.

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As far as i know, i force stopped a single process from task manager and the next thing I saw was my wallet id resetted.
I can verify that I didn’t manually resetted my wallet from settings.
Secondly, I didn’t receive the BAT tokens in my previous wallet id although it is linked.

You mean the wallet that no longer exists (if it was in fact reset, which I’m still unclear about)? If it truly was reset then this wallet no longer exists, nor does any of the estimated/pending earnings for it.

Also to be clear, you’re saying that you ended some process and your wallet payment ID is now completely different than it was before?

My previous wallet was successfully unlinked and now I linked my new wallet.
Currently i have two issues.
1st - I didn’t receive my last months payout in linked to my previous wallet id.
2nd - Bat tokens aren’t increasing after watching ads from the time my wallet id was changed.
In my new tab page it is showing 1.7BAT and in rewards page it is showing 1.2BAT.
There is some bug that is causing the BAT reward counter not increasing.
This is happening from the time my wallet id was changed.
The BAT tokens that are showing were basically linked to my previous wallet.


@Mattches @steeven @SaltyBanana

Please send me your wallet payment ID, found on your brave://rewards-internals page.

Thank you.

Conversation moved to DMs.