Brave tracking protection vs. Privacy Badger

The last year or so, I’ve not used an adblocker, but I have kept Privacy Badger installed, and I find that I don’t get those nags to turn off my adblocker, while still blocking 95% of the ads.

What is Brave’s native tracking protection like? How does it compare to PB? FWIW I want to surf with all cookies enabled, but with Brave set to clean cookies on exit. I also have Brave set to block cross-site trackers. Is PV now redundant? Or does it do a better job of the same thing? Could I just have brave itself NOT block trackers, and then only use PB?

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Brave Shields’ cross-site tracking protection is very good. It uses modified versions of Easy List, Easy Privacy and other lists which you may read about @ Brave blocking goals and policy. You may make site-specific changes to Brave Shields directly from the address bar UI. Brave does much more than block trackers, so I recommend you read the linked article.

You may keep Brave’s tracker blocker enabled and still use Privacy Badger but it won’t block much at all. Or you may continue to use Privacy Badger and disable Brave’s cross-site tracking globally in Settings>Shields>Block cross-site trackers>Off.

Enjoy! :grinning: :+1:

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I’m thinking I would want to do that, to reduce redundancy and any (however small) loss in performance. Does anyone know which has more extensive blocking, PB or Brave’s native service? I’ve seen PB in the past do a great job of blocking ads as well, so I am inclined to use just that, but I’m more than willing to give Brave a try also.

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You’ll only know if you try Brave Shields alone and then you can decide between the two.

You should also know that Brave Shields enables you to create custom element-blocking rules for any popups, e.g. like cookie notices that manage to bypass Shields.

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