Brave stopt blocking Youtube Adds

Running windows 11 with latest Brave v1.70.117

Same issue here.

Both Standard and Aggressive settings YT ads play only at the beginning. Ads are played in their entirety without the option of “skip” in both these settings and at times shows multiple play/progress bars. Shield setting Off reverts back to allowing the skip button.

I almost forgot ads play on YT its been so long :joy:

Thank you Brave Team for all you do!

Same issue for me but I’m on a Mac. I have the latest Brave build installed and I still get ads on YouTube. I used to never get ads. Hopefully this gets fixed soon.

But there aren’t any ads if you watch youtube videos in a private window

I cannot watch any YouTube in a “Private Window” as YouTube insists I sign in IOT to verify I’m not a BOT IOT watch.

Could I have some testers, if you’re seeing ads. Add to the following into brave://settings/shields/filters

Save and then reload Youtube and retest

! First line (Excempt the current YT rule), script, (function serverContract(), "YOUTUBE_PREMIUM_LOGO"!==ytInitialData?.topbar?.desktopTopbarRenderer?.logo?.topbarLogoRenderer?.iconImage?.iconType&&(location.href.startsWith("")||location.href.startsWith("")||document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded"\,(function(){const t=()=>{const t=document.getElementById("movie_player");if(!t)return;if(!t.getStatsForNerds?.()?.debug_info?.startsWith?.("SSAP\, AD"))return;const e=t.getProgressState?.();e&&e.duration>0&&e.loaded<e.duration&&t.seekTo?.(e.duration)};t()\,new MutationObserver((()=>{t()})).observe(document\,{childList:!0\,subtree:!0})})));(function serverContract(), sedCount, 1), script, (function serverContract(), (()=>{let e="";document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded"\,(function(){if(!;const t=()=>{const t=document.getElementById("movie_player");if(!t)return;const n=t.querySelector("video");if(!n)return;const o=t.getVideoStats?.()?.ssap;if(n.duration&&o&&o.includes("vid.nvd")){const i=parseInt(o.split("st.").at(-1).split(";")[0])/1e3;let r=[];for(const e of o.matchAll(/\bcpn\.([-\w]+)/g))r.push(e[1]);const s=r.join("\,");(!1===n.loop&&e!==s&&n.currentTime<i||!0===n.loop&&n.currentTime<i||.001===n.currentTime&&n.currentTime<i)&&(t.seekTo(i)\,e=s)}};t();new MutationObserver((()=>{t()})).observe(document\,{childList:!0\,subtree:!0})}))})();(function serverContract(), sedCount, 1)

1 Like

I tested both scripts separately, the first one alone doesn’t work. The second one does work, I didn’t get any ads. I have the latest build on macos.

I have experienced the same thing recently, but only for a day.
It should be fine with the latest Brave version.

i copied script number two into shield filter and no more ads appear on youtube. it works for now! windows 11 pro brave 1.70.117 version

Second filter seems to work on MacOS Sequoia 15.0 - thanks!

Sricpt 2 is working, no adds.
Only a short ~3-4 Second delay with black video screen before orign video starts to play. But this is acceptable.

2nd script seems to be working here as well

The second script worked for me.

I was using vid’s from IGN and a local news station that always had ads playing to test it. The video would take around 6-10 seconds to kick in but it does so with no ads.

I’m on Windows 10
Version 1.70.117 Chromium: 129.0.6668.59 (Official Build) (64-bit)



  • Remove any of the previous rules (to avoid overblocking/breakage issues).

  • Update Brave Adblock Updater in 30mins.

  • Brave Ad Block Updater - Version: 1.0.8019 (or better) in brave://components

Also do let me know how well it works.


Been an hour and the update isn’t happening yet. Maybe it just takes a while? Still showing:

Brave Ad Block Updater - Version: 1.0.8018
Status - Component already up to date

Hope this helps!

Yeah, just some internal issues atm. Just keep the suggested rules in place until it updates next

It’s been 4 hours dude and I am still waiting for the fix :frowning:

Just checked on and no ads, and I didn’t even have to load either one of the scripts. Thanks for the good work guys!

at last the code provided above fixed my issue that all I wanted thanks!

Windows 11

Tested 2nd script only along with standard shields. Appears to be working! I’ll respond if anything changes.


Works 100% here!
Amazing work guys! Thanks! :clap: :clap: :clap: