Brave should make a blog post on MV3 and brave shields

Brave should make a blog post on their website regarding MV3 and how MV3 does not affect brave shields.

MV3 will affect only extensions like ublock origin, adguard etc and not brsve shiels. MV3 will also affect extensions other than adblockers (have nothing to with content blocking) which will be unable to ported from MV2 to MV3.

There is lot of bogus information going on regarding MV3 and brave. Some of it seems to me, is deliberately done by malicious intent to make a move from brave to other non-chromium browser.
Some of this information is from genuine ‘clueless’ individuals who think that MV3 is affecting brave shields as they think brave adblocking uses the same extension api just like UBO.

Other browsers have made a proper blog posts regarding how MV3 will affect their own browser, but as usual nothing is done from brave.

Users asking brave to release a ‘statement’


Hi @chh_68 thanks for posting the above.

Please see the following below on the matter:

Google’s upcoming Manifest V3 update for extensions has the potential to break many ad blockers.

But Manifest V3 will not prevent Brave from blocking ads. We built ad blocking into the browser itself so it will not be affected by Google changing its rules for extensions.

We realize many of our users still want to use third-party ad blocker extensions.

To give you as many options as possible for online privacy and security, Brave will support Manifest V2 extensions such as uBlock Origin even after Chrome stops doing so.


Also, I’ll copy/paste what someone shared on Reddit:

Recently, many users have expressed concerns that Brave’s ability to block ads would be undermined by Google’s Manifest v3 Chromium initiative. Some then assumed it would collaterally harm the value of BAT. Let’s clear up these misconceptions.

What is Manifest v3? Basically, it is a Google initiative spearheading major changes to how extensions interact with the browser. This is expected to negatively effect the ability of ad blocker extensions to function.

Brave doesn’t rely on extensions to block ads.
Brave is a Chromium based browser, but deviates from standard Chromium in several important ways:
Brave has long planned for these situations and has been ready for Manifest v3 since at least 2019. Brave is built to be able to ad block and protect user privacy regardless of Google’s actions involving Chromium. Adblocking on Chrome relies fully on extensions. However, Brave’s ad blocking is native (aka built in).
To better understand Brave’s ad blocking capabilities you can reference:

If anything, Google’s Manifest v3 initiatives will drive more users to seek ad blocking friendly browsers. Thus helping to increase Brave’s user counts. In return, likely helping give more users exposure to BAT and drive further BAT demand.

Tl;Dr: Brave is not vanilla Chromium and has built-in ad blocking capabilities that will not be impacted by Google’s Manifest v3 initiatives. They have long been prepared for this.

They say they will support them “even after Chrome stops doing so” but they do not mention if they are referring to the public EOS scheduled for January 2023, or the Enterprise EOS scheduled for June 2023.
If it’s the later, they give zero info about how they are planning for this.

It is a PR post.

They should have made it clear that they are supporting it till June 2023.
Otherwise it tries to tell us that they will support MV2 indefinitely.

Very bad wording. Either a mistake due to twitter 280 character limit or deliberately done.

Edit:- New date till Jan 2024.

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