I have 5 months of claims that did not get delivered to my uphold account in this computer.
I have another computer and a mobile phone (so 3 devices total) which work every month, this one does not.
The uphold account is linked and shows the synced ammount + the “un-synced” ammount from this computer. If i unlink it will show the un-synced ammount only.
Every month, i answer the claim challenge correctly, the program states that the funds are on their way but they never arrive.
First of all make sure how many Devices/Brave Wallets are connected to your uphold wallet by going to Uphold Settings > Applications > Authorised Applications
Here you’ll see Brave Browser named app(s) check here how many are there, if there are more than 4 then the 5th or above will not get paid.
I get only two entries, could it be my pc that works and my mobile? If so, the computer that does not sync is not here, but the browser has “wallet verified”…
Note sure! Did you recently tried unlinking your browser with uphold? If so then in the new update there’s 25 BAT requirement to link Uphold which may have interfered with the synchronisation.
I tried unlinking and linking again several times. The ammount goes to 9 BAT when i unlink and to 49 when i link (cause i have +/- 40 bat in uphold). I wait for the next payout in the beginning of the month, but it never arrives…
I have 2 browsers “syncing”, one my work desktop and one my laptop. Both browsers say verified, however I am not seeing both accounts in my one Uphold account.
Thank you for reporting, but it sounds like you’re describing a few different issues. What is the actual issue you need assistance with? From what I can tell, when you link your device wallet to Uphold, it shows you your synced BAT (49 according to your image) as intended. Unlinking shows only the balance in your browser wallet (which is 9, again, according to your image).
Note that there is a 25BAT minimum required to transfer earnings from mobile wallet into Uphold. My advice to you would be to unlink the wallet, collect BAT in your browser until you have 25+, then link your wallet w/Uphold again and all bat should be synced/transferred.