Brave Rewards linking limit

Brave Rewards linking limits are going to be removed after the May payout​:+1::+1:


This message is misleading. It is our priority but we do not have exact dates/time tables for this as the change is non-trivial. Saying it will happen “after may payout” may mislead users into thinking that once the payout is complete the linking limit will be removed which is not necessarily the case.


this post is updated on your brave official handle on Reddit.

so keep updating yourself, from your brave team


Same old story diff months… Sorry, see it and I’ll believe it. Thousands of ads were viewed and only a few BATS received in over a year. Rode the remove device merry-go-round. Got dizzy and had to jump off… LoL

Still a good browser, shame tho, could be GREAT…


Not sure you understood what I was saying. We plan on removing the linking limits but we do not have a timetable and I do not want users to expect something at a certain point only for it to not happen.


So the code is complete and you guys just wont hazard a guess. And you dont want people to get their hopes up “in case it doesnt happen”.

So basically you guys arent fixing it.

See? it isnt too hard to just say it.


bro, you are not understanding what I’m sharing, you should link on the link and see what your official said I have shared the same content. No single word is changed or added or removed.
So bro chill :+1::+1:


Silly thing is… I am still clikin" on the ads…

it is like an advertisement crack addiction.

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same bro, we are addicted now that’s all they want​:rofl::rofl::rofl:


Hey @nawaab do you have any info about creators payout ???

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As so many users are affected, might you be kind enough to post an update when you have a timetable and planned date for rollout… waiting for the day! :popcorn: :champagne:


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