"Brave Rewards is not available in your region"

Fixed the issue for myself by changing “Regional format” from “Russian” to “English (UK)” in my OS. Settings -> Time & Language -> Region

Hopefully this will be a learning experience for the devs on how OS locale does not necessary equal country of residence


Keep in mind if you’re Unverified then all they have to go by is your Locale and IP address. Those two generally need to match. Both can be changed or faked as well. So it definitely can be tricky. It’s part of why Brave is pulling away from how they have been doing things and just will be sticking to the idea of everyong having to be Verified in order to earn. From that point, they will know the country is what you Verified with.

Still some tweaks to come on that as well, such as choosing and changing country. But it’s all one little step at a time.

Understandable, yes. However, I am verified with Uphold, so in my case they potentially had all the info they needed to check my location. So it’s still a bit of an embarrassing screw-up.


Just marked a solution based on understanding. For those who didn’t notice, it seems that this message comes up based on your device Locale. If you’re using region, such as Russia, then you’ll not be able to participate in Rewards. Some of the countries is listed at https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/9053832354957-Unavailable-jurisdictions-Brave-Rewards-is-not-available-in-your-region- but keep in mind the key phrase, are not limited to which means additional countries can be affected even though not on the list.

Anyone else having issues should likely create a Rewards Support Ticket and/or create your own topic here.

Possible solution offered. Also OP issue moved over to DM via SaltyBanana