Brave Rewards is activated but 0 ads have shown in June

Description of the issue:
Brave Rewards is turned on. Ads are turned on. Set to 5 ads per hour. Installed Brave at the end of May. Got some ads. Starting June, 0 ads showed for the month of June.

I have tried turning it on and off, different number of ads to be displayed. Neither seemed to work.

Version 1.10.97 Chromium: 83.0.4103.116 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Windows 10 Pro Version 1909

What do I need to do to get Brave Rewards to work again?

Not sure what you are suggesting in the FAQ would help me?

The ads use to work, and then it just stopped on my Windows 10 machine.

I do have a Macbook running Brave and it collects rewards. Connected to the same network with the same Brave settings.

Then check this one. I think this thread will help you.

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Thanks man! Turns out it was Windows Notifications disabling the ads. Now all is working as it should!

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