Brave rewards did not get paid out for the month of September

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My brave rewards wallet says that the rewards have been paid out, but i see no change in my balance, so the rewards have not been paid out to me.

What Operating System and Brave version are you using? (Menu --> About Brave)
I am using windows 10 and the brave version is 1.58.137

Who is your verified custodian? (Uphold/Gemini/bitFlyer)


Are you in a supported region? (see here for list of supported regions)

Yes I am in a supported region.

Have you checked your Gemini balance?

If yes, and it doesn’t seem to be credited yet then I’ll suggest raising a ticket at

Do make sure to share your ticket ID you receive in the email you submit.

Also, please be patient. It can take upto 2 weeks for someone to even initially reply. During this time of the month a lot of tickets keep coming so it takes more time to go through them.

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