Hello I had a profile with verified uphold account and bats but today when i opened my browser i’ve noticed that my bats went from about 3k to 0.180 bat and my verified wallet got deleted. It shows its created today even though i didn’t do anything. I don’t know why it happened. Can someone help me to recover my wallets and bats? Thx.
No. I had my bats transferred into my uphold before. The issue is not regional. It’s simply a bug that caused me to lose my bats. It’s suddenly gone when i opened my profile and my profile wallet id changed despite not deleting or changing anything. I don’t know why.
I have 4 profiles connected to my uphold. All of them had Wallet Verified tab unlike the one profile i posted below. It got changed into “Verify Wallet” and my bats are all gone.
Edit: I didn’t install or uninstall anything in my PC.