Brave menus now have a giant white background/border after recent update

Brave Version:
1.67.116 Chromium: 126.0.6478.71 (Official Build)(64-bit)

Menus now have a giant white background/border after recent update

Debian Linux (i3wm, Xfce)

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i dont like it neither. Is theere any way to remove the round menus to how it was before.?


I have the same issue since Friday! I have also another thread about this issue but had 0 replies about that! Seems that it is related to brave forcing composite usage for menu drawing on linux desktops. As I’m a simple man and I love to use i3wm without compositing I have this ugly squares around the menu also! Temporarly I moved to pure chromium because it really really makes me crazy.


I use brave myself and my own distribution, besgnulinux, is always the default browser.
This menu border is really annoying and makes it difficult to use right click. I had to switch to Chromium. It would be great if there was an option to remove this border. Please I would like a solution to remove this border.

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I was using Brave without this issue in a Debian based OS with i3wm. I installed a new OS and after that, the white border started showing up, even though I copied and used all my old config files from before I changed the OS.

I don’t want to use a different browser, but if this doesn’t get fixed soon I might have to.

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If you are using picom, it might be the cause. You can try the next configuration it, it fixed for me.

tooltip = { fade = true; shadow = true; opacity = 0.75; focus = true; full-shadow = false; blur-background = false;}
dock = { shadow = false; clip-shadow-above = true;blur-background = false;}
dnd = { shadow = false;blur-background = false;}
popup_menu = { opacity = 0.8; blur-background = false;}
dropdown_menu = { opacity = 0.8; blur-background = false;}
utility = { fade = true; shadow = false; focus = true; blur-background = false;}
menu = { shadow = false; blur-background = false;}

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Thanks for the tip, but i currently don’t use picom (or any compositor). I will keep that in mind if they don’t fix this issue soon.

There are currently working on this bug see there


hopefully they get it fixed [at some point]… …in the meantime i’ve been using LibreWolf

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