Brave link detected as a virus in virustotal

Hello, I have a question, I use the Spanish version of brave, I tried checking the brave link on the virustotal website and by mistake I omitted the / sign at the end of the link when copying it, and I realized that it was throwing malware, I don’t know If you are aware of that, that is my question, thank you very much.

Sorry for the inconvenience if I was in the wrong category or in some rule I am new to the community.

@DeadAngel666 If you looked, all said clean. Just one had a negative feedback for some reason. All of the others rated it’s good. Also important is for you to notice that it said this was 11 months ago. If you refresh it, like I just did, then it analyzes again.

No security issues. If you’re going to use that site, make sure you know how to use it. Viewing outdated info is never good. The other thing to keep in mind is that they don’t explain why they give ratings or anything. So when only one of 93 said not clean, it didn’t explain why they didn’t think it was clean. That does nobody any good.

Thank you very much for your answer, I checked and it was clean of malware and that total virus check was from 11 months ago, it is currently clean

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