Brave is not working properly anymore

Hi guy . Im writing this message without much saved proof but it seems like braves basic browsing is going backwards . infact its at the point that im using chrome more and more , which i really was hoping to never do again . 2 examples of this are

1 i was in the queue at MS support and when i went through and said hi to the agent I was kicked back into the queue and could not access the chat . I then quickly copied the URL and pasted into chrome and i could see the chat with the agent having asked several times if i was still there

2 i downloaded a repository for kodi media player . when installing the download repo it did not work , it did install but the addons were not working . After a few days of struggling and downloading it again ( 2 more times ) i copied the url into chrome and downloaded and installed it through chrome . Wallah it worked … I got no idea why a download would not work from a bro3eser , and maybe its something other than the browser but that is what happened

In closing , im now using chrome a lot more again , even though I swore I never would , but i have lost all faith in the brave browser . its not just the 2 incidents Ive mentioned above . but have also had other negative experiences in brave . When looking back i seem to think once the tor thing was there is pretty much when the weirdness started . Anyway I just thought i would et you know .

P.S before this weirdness started the brave was perfect , infact never used chrome for pretty much over a year but something has changed recently ( about 3 to 6 months ago ) and unfortunately in my experience , its for the worse

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