Brave iOS - Always on private browsing

Safari allows this. Firefox has it too. But why does Brave delete all of my open private tabs when I close the app? It is very irritating. I just want to browse without Brave keeping history and cookie data on the device, while keeping my open tabs until I choose to delete them.

There is an option under brave shields and privacy that says close tabs on exit. (more towards bottom of page) you can try toggling that off (if it is on).

We actually have an open issue to add this feature on our Github:


This issue was marked as closed and a feature was added to allow users toggle to keep private tabs open.

I notice that this feature doesn’t extend to “Private Only” browsing and when this mode is enabled, tabs still automatically close. The toggle to keep Private tabs is also removed in this mode.

It would be nice if I could have the mode enabled while still keeping private tabs open until I choose to close them.


That defeats the purpose of private tabs and will not likely make it into the browser. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Thank you for the reply.

Currently, I use the Private Browser with the toggle to keep the Private tabs open. This means that even when I close the entire browser, the Private tabs stay open (until I close them). But that means that I have to constantly switch to the Private mode to access them (though a minor inconvenience).

I was wondering if the Private Only mode could also utilize the toggle so that only Private browsing is allowed, but the tabs remain open unless they are closed. Since the feature already exists to retain Private tabs unless closed, this would merely be a feature extension.

I am using iOS and the feature already exists to keep Private tabs open (just not when Private Only mode is enabled). Unless there is a reason why normal Private tabs and tabs in Private Only mode are treated differently.


I believe the mentality here is that opening Private tabs is something that the user is expected to be “in charge of”. That is, the user is dictating that they want to open some specific sites in Private windows for whatever reasons they may have for doing so.

The intention of “Private browsing only” is that essentially no matter what you do, no data is recorded anywhere and all traces of anything you were doing in the browser disappear once the app is closed.

IMO, if they were to “extend” this feature then they would essentially become the same thing and there would be no need to have both of them. Since, as you said, this functionality already exists, I would just continue using Private tabs.