Brave has become very slow in opening web pages

For a few days from today 03/13/2024, Brave has become very slow in opening links, unlike Chrome and Edge which open any website instantly.

I tried to solve the problem by restoring Brave’s settings (to default): I just wasted time: Brave continues to open sites and web pages very slowly.

Same slowdown even with private tabs.

There is a solution? Maybe some update created this problem?

I’m thinking of abandoning Brave because using it has become exhausting!

Please don’t advise me to stick two fingers into the socket to see if there is power :slight_smile:

Anyone who wants to suggest a possible infection should explain why other browsers work normally…


There are several possible factors at play here. First, can you please tell me what OS and version of the browser you’re using at this time? Additionally, ca n you please tell me what extensions you have installed in the browser at this time?

Thank you


Hi, sorry . . .
I use Windows 11 Pro 23H2 (build 22631.3296)
I use Fireshot, I don’t care about cookie, Ublacklist and SCRE.IO - all extensions deactivated for the occasion (due to the problem mentioned)

I read here about other users who have the same heavy slowdown that wasn’t there until a few days ago. (I don’t know exactly when it occurred)
Thank you for your time

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Can you try creating a fresh profile and testing to see if the browser is slow when using that profile as well?

Thank you

Bump. Screenshots from when I load pages on MacOS. Y’all already know I’m up to date.

Screen Shot 2024-03-12 at 8.53.19 AM

Screen Shot 2024-03-14 at 6.07.58 AM

Screen Shot 2024-03-14 at 6.08.41 AM


Thank you for your answer

for what it’s worth I have i9 and 32GB of RAM with FTTH 2.5Gbs.

In any case, I created a new profile and opened numerous tabs. (Not all together).

The result was that some tabs in the new profile opened quickly. The same tabs in my existing profile (opened later after closing the new profile) opened just as quickly.
Other tabs however - both in the new profile and in my previous one, opened very slowly.

I don’t think it’s due to a temporary slowdown of that server, or a temporary slowdown of the data path from the server to my computer.

Also because on the second attempt on the two profiles (activated alternately) those sites that opened slowly a moment earlier, opened quickly on the second attempt.

I repeat: a few days ago, opening any site on Brave with my single profile was instantaneous.
Currently all plugins are deactivated in my profile.

Thanks for your time, cheers

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Can you please share the exact websites that you find open/load slowly in both profiles so we can test on our end?

Thank you

Maybe I’ll do it first to reset the Brave.
I’m sorry, but I don’t have much time to test.

They vary, to be honest. It’s not any particular website. They all can produce the spinning wheel of patience. Amazon, ATP, Youtube, etc.

Sometimes it seems more noticeable if it’s a website I haven’t yet visited that day. Maybe the issue is a cookies / cache thing. As in, related to either having recently cleared all browsing data or having too much. Is it possible to have too many bookmarks for the browser? I doubt I’m there, but hey, you never know until you ask.

It’s not bad for me to the point of needing to start a thread per se, but I also have enough time when it happens to snap wheel screenshots (see below).

Again, I’m on MacOS & don’t do anything crazy with the browser. Y’all already know I’m up to date & waiting on the audio / mute tab issue. I also do close the browser & restart my computer.

Anyway, good luck with solving the mystery. Nancy Brave & the Hardy Braves.

Screen Shot 2024-03-12 at 8.53.19 AM
Screen Shot 2024-03-13 at 9.51.35 PM
Screen Shot 2024-03-14 at 6.08.41 AM

here is one of the thousand:

Consider that the sites that are extremely slow to reach are many, among the most disparate, with nothing in common - EXCEPT - that on Chrome or Edge they ALL open (!) instantly. Even today, also the site just indicated.

We can discuss the possible deletion of cookies, caches, history, or alternatively the excessive accumulation of data, the excessive number. HOWEVER, Brave is treated in the same way as Chrome and Edge, without the latter two having to suffer.

PLUS (!) Brave worked perfectly until recently. Only recently has it responded extremely slowly to queries. Without any settings having been changed.

As I said, I also created a new profile, but nothing has changed.

Bearing in mind that the people who reply to me here try to help in the best possible way, and I have nothing to complain about them, I am very cutting and essential for this kind of topic, I’m not looking for nuances: the machine doesn’t work? It means the car has a problem. We look for the problem in the car without blaming the driver. For the moment.

The “sick” at the moment is Brave. Without a doubt. It must be taken care of.


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The problem with this analogy is the fact that just like the web browser, people make all sorts of changes modifications to their car — even without any modifications, your mechanic has no idea how you drive your car. The point being that the issue may be specific to something in your profile or your setup, which is why we ask all these questions.

For example, while it looks like a few people here are having this issue, the other 99.9% of users (myself included) are not having this issue. I’m also not seeing a significant number of reports of the issue and nobody is reporting this behavior internally. To me, this points towards the issue being more isolated towards the couple of users having it, rather than a major issue affecting the browser for all users.

Typically, this type of behavior is caused by cache build-up, faulty extensions, having too many tabs open and/or the browser taking up too many resources. However, since you mentioned

Other tabs however - both in the new profile and in my previous one, opened very slowly.

:point_up: it could also be the specific sites you’re opening, which is why I asked for what sites you’re seeing this on. I tried opening the site you listed ( and while it didn’t take that long, it was significantly slower opening that other websites. @NotAgain I tested ATP and the site loaded instantly on my end.

Here are my current recommendations for resolving the issue and/or testing to see if we can isolate the issue:

  • Clear cache/browsing data for the affected profile (Settings --> History --> Clear browsing data)
  • Uninstall (not disable)all extensions, relaunch the browser and test again. If the issue is gone, re-install your extensions one at a time until the offending one is found.
  • Try disabling Hardware Acceleration (Settings --> System --> Hardware acceleration) and test to see if the issue persists. I’m not convinced this is the cause but I’ve also seen it cause weirder issues.
  • Download the Beta and/or Nightly build of the browser and check to see if those sites load normally when using those builds.
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  1. I already cleared browsing data & that doesn’t seem to have made it faster.
  2. No extensions for me.
  3. I don’t mess with the tech deep cuts, just the hit singles.
  4. I have Nightly & it is still noticeable there. See three screenshots below.

Again, it doesn’t affect me to the point of starting a thread, but I do notice the wheel of patience. No internet connection issues either, obvi. Thanks.

Screen Shot 2024-03-18 at 3.16.38 PM
Screen Shot 2024-03-18 at 3.16.45 PM
Screen Shot 2024-03-18 at 3.17.12 PM

Hi, thank you for your help and patience.
Unfortunately nothing changes: the pages open very slowly.

I’m currently using an I9 K-series with 32GB of RAM and - for what it’s worth the GPU is a GeForce-RTX-4080-16GB - & 2,5Gb fiber FTTH

The argument that pushes me to continue the investigation without switching to another browser, is that from your point of observation you do not notice a significant number of complaints for this topic. So I think a local problem is possible.

Typically, this type of behavior is caused by cache build-up, faulty extensions, having too many tabs open and/or the browser taking up too many resources. However, since you mentioned

I didn’t tell you that in Brave I already used the cleaning option (Privacy > Clear Browsing Data > on exit): following our discussion here I deactivated it by eliminating a variable that could be the cause of the slowness.
It isn’t: nothing has changed, the pages open very slowly.

I also used CCleaner to only clean cookies, cache, data and history of all browsers. I removed CCleaner from the schedule for the same reason as above:
nothing has changed, the pages open very slowly.

I had already deactivated the extensions, now I have completely removed them following your advice:
nothing has changed, the pages open very slowly.

Regarding hardware acceleration, my Brave v1.63.74 under System, does not have the “Hardware” setting, it has the setting: “Use graphics acceleration when available”. However deactivated now for the occasion.

With graphics acceleration deactivated (but also plugins and everything else), it seems that Brave’s response speed to queries in general has had a significant acceleration: I opened around thirty sites with good responses, I’ll be sure of that later.

But the investigation continues because I have some plugins that I cannot give up such as Fireshot which allows me to capture entire web pages.

So much for privacy I use these plugins :slight_smile:

Adobe Acrobat
Capture entire screenshots of web pages - FireShot
I don’t care about cookies
Screen Recorder - Screen Recorder

Cursed !
As I closed Brave, upon re-opening it went slow again! **
F*** @@##$$$*

Test in private window mode, or try Brave Beta with no extensions installed.

Enable HW acceleration also, disabling HW acceleration will load your CPU (causing slower rendering of webpages)

Slow webpage load can also be due to VPN or other Network issue

Reset your Network Settings using this Script

See Next Reply for Updated Script.

Restart PC

Create a New brave browser profile and Test it.

Updated Script

@echo off 

title Network Troubleshooter
echo        *********************Network Troubleshooter *********************

REM This batch file disables and enables all network adapters using PowerShell commands

REM Disable all network adapters 
echo Instructing Windows to Disable All Network Adapters 
timeout /t 10 /nobreak >nul 
powershell -Command "Get-NetAdapter | Disable-NetAdapter -Confirm:$false" 

echo Done, All Network adapters were successfully disabled. 
echo All Adapters will be Enabled after 10 seconds
REM Wait for 10 seconds 
echo Status: Waiting
echo Waiting for 10 Seconds..

timeout /t 10 /nobreak >nul

REM Enable all network adapters 
echo Alright, Instructing Windows to Enable all Network Adapters..
echo Working..
powershell -Command "Get-NetAdapter | Enable-NetAdapter" 
timeout /t 4 /nobreak >nul
echo Done, All Network adapters enabled.

REM Perform a few more essential background tasks for Hard Refresh

echo Performing a few more essential background tasks for Hard Refresh..

echo Status: Working..
timeout /t 5 /nobreak >nul

echo   ********************DNS Reset********************
echo Flushing the DNS cache.. 
REM Flush the DNS cache 
ipconfig /flushdns 
echo.Done, Windows has been successfully flushed the DNS in this system.
echo Registering the DNS settings.. 
REM Register the DNS settings 
ipconfig /registerdns 
echo Done, DNS settings registered.

echo   ********************Resetting IP Stack******************** 
echo Resetting the TCP/IP stack.. 
REM Reset the TCP/IP stack 
netsh int ip reset 
echo.Done, TCP/IP stack has been successfully reset.

timeout /t 3 /nobreak >nul

echo   ********************Winsock catalog Reset******************** 
echo Resetting the Winsock catalog.. 
REM Reset the Winsock catalog 
netsh winsock reset 
echo.Done, Winsock catalog has been successfully reset.

timeout /t 3 /nobreak >nul

echo   ********************BranchCache Settings Reset******************** 

echo Resetting the branchcache settings..
REM Reset the branchcache settings 
netsh branchcache reset
echo.Done, Branchcache settings has been Successfully reset.

timeout /t 3 /nobreak >nul

echo Your Network Settings have been Fully Refreshed.

echo   ********************Perform a Speedtest******************** 
echo Its Recommended to Perform a Speedtest now.

echo You WIll be automatically redirected to to perform a speed test 
echo You will be Redirected in 10 seconds. 
timeout /t 10 /nobreak >nul

echo If the Network Errors Still Persists, Restarting your PC will Fix them.

echo This window will automatically close in 90 seconds or hit Enter to exit now.

echo (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights reserved.

timeout /t 90 >nul
if %errorlevel% equ 1 exit

Use the Expander to see Full Script.

Open the Notepad and save above code as NetLite.bat

and Run the batch file/Script as Administrator.


Thanks for your suggestions
In private, nothing changes. I downloaded and installed Brave Beta. It seems to be going. We’ll see.
Regarding acceleration, above they advised me to deactivate it, as it causes problems.

Thanks for your suggestions. . .
I don’t use VPN.

The network seems to be going GREAT! It’s very fast in everything, with all browsers. Brave excluded.

Regarding the network reset, I already have a series of scripts used in the past, yours is fine too, but I honestly don’t understand what benefits I could have if in general I have no problems.

What pisses me off is that on Chrome I have the same settings as Brave (relatively to equal settings) I have the same plugins: Chrome is a rocket and Brave struggles to open pages.

I think I’ve run out of patience and desire to try. I’m very nervous. I thank you all but I’ll try to forget about brave for a year. We’ll see.

I think I’ve run out of patience and desire to try. I’m very nervous. I thank you all but I’ll try to forget about brave for a year. We’ll see.


After resetting Brave several times, removing extensions, enabling/disabling hardware acceleration, without success, I uninstalled Brave. stop !

I’M GOING WITH BRAVE BETA. It seems that Brave Beta does not suffer from the noticeable slowdowns when launching any Brave page.

There are no excuses. Other browsers with similar settings work fine. With the (4/5) plugins I use they have no slowdowns.
There is only one explanation, or rather two: (1) Brave doesn’t work. (2) there is something he doesn’t like, but it’s not clear what.

I’ll try it again in a few months: if it works well. Otherwise there are plenty of browsers.

Thanks for the help yuyyo, but I’m very pissed off!

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Unless you have buggy gpu drivers, GPU Acceleration should always be enabled. Leave this setting alone.