Greetings to all.
I apologize if this has already been written about and/or if this topic is not in the right place, because I am not opening it by accident or just like that…
Namely, I think the title speaks for itself. Someone will answer the question of why we should have such an email client (not a provider!) in one way or another, and here are my answers. Betterbird which I currently using offers some improvements, but it is quite complex and demanding, has few resources and is developing slowly, and yet it lacks many of the things that the Thunderbird has, which can be slow and unstable and which I do not feel like switching to. The ElectronMail offers some interesting security options and encryption methods, but it is too simple, limited and supports a small number of providers. The other FOSS alternatives are uninteresting and unadapted to me.
Now, I do not care what the client is called, but it should definitely be a fork of Brave or at least a sub-application within the Brave Browser from which it can work independently. So, do not use the Mozilla’s interface! The Vivaldi browser already has a built-in email client, but it does not have anything more concrete to offer despite some interesting settings. That is why I will list some key features that the client should have. First of all, Brave Email Client should be private, customizable, user-friendly adaptable, cross-platrorm with keyboard shortcuts and equally suited to beginners without technical knowledge who want simplicity, as well as to advanced users and developers who want to control everything and contribute to development. Work offline, enable full download and archiving of all mails and automatic deletion (self-destructive) of messages, which can be useful for many reasons and there are not many providers that support this. To be multilingual and not recognize messages written in minority languages as spelling mistakes, which often happens with Betterbird. To be automatically updated to the new version and to be fully integrated with any email services even if it is less known, which means full access and display of the user panel with all filters, settings and adjustments (Betterbird has problems with this too), plus some additional options that would be unique only to Brave client. The private ads can be useful for the development. This is maibe hardful, but not impossible. I’ll add more if I remember, but I think that’s enough for a start. Let others say what they think.