Brave doesn't redirect domain, while other browsers do

My domain ( does not redirect to on Brave, even with shields down.

But it works fine on Chrome, Safari, and Firefox (only other browsers I’ve tried).

I have the redirect setup through Google Domains, and it covers both with and without “www.”

The error is:

This site can’t be unexpectedly closed the connection.

Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall

Any ideas? Thanks!

@07b287b6f5c3e36f4ada I first tested on my iPhone and then came back to my Desktop (Windows 11 Pro) and both of them seem to go. If I click on it brings me to what you see below:

  • Can you try in private window?

  • Could you try in a new profile?

Also would be helpful to know:

  • Which version of Brave are you using? (provide exact version number)

  • Which Mac OS are you using?

Weird. I noticed my Brave needed to be updated and did that. Now it works fine. Thank you kind stranger!

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