Brave does not update custom filter lists

As title says, while Brave checks for updates to the built-in lists (global and regional) every few hours, it does not check for updates to any custom list set in brave://settings/shields/filters. Noticed on all three branches. I have several lists with different expire directives, none of them are auto-updated, so I guess Brave just ignores them?

Currently yes, all lists are updated daily.

Integrated lists, yes.
Custom lists, no. When I opened the settings it said the last update was 17 days ago.

@talgeeze which custom filter lists are you seeing this on? I’m wondering if specifying where it can be added and tested by others might help figure out what’s causing it. Also, are you saying ALL custom lists don’t update or is it just the 1-2 you added which might not be updating for some reason?

Personally, I’ve not messed with adding lists and not even going to pretend I know anything. Just trying to consider a possibility if both of you are correct in what you’re saying.

Some regional Easylist filters not included by default, IDAC and ClearURLs (which as I discovered a while after I added it can’t work with Brave so I moved it to uBO).

Seems like it works now, by the time of the Post for some reason it wasn’t.

But the time Custom Lists update are 7 days, but they will eventually add the way for Brave to read the Expires: in the lists so they can update more often.

I had checked if it was a UI bug or if the browser was indeed ignoring the custom lists by going through the FilterListSubscriptionCache subfolder in User Data, but I guess double-checking cannot hurt.

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