Unable to add https://easylist.to/easylist/easylist.txt to custom filter lists

Description of the issue: Adding Easy Privacy filter to custom filter lists shows “Download failed”. Screenshot:

Exact URL of the website in question: brave://settings/shields/filters

Did the issue present with default Shields settings? (yes/no) Yes

What OS are you using when you see the ad? MacOS v14.7

Brave version (check About Brave): Version 1.70.123 Chromium: 129.0.6668.89 (Official Build) (arm64)

P.S.: I did check a lot of posts that complain about this problem but none had solution posted.

Thanks to Brendan Eich and other people involved in building Brave :saluting_face:

@Euphemism8917 Easylist is already part of Shields. Not sure if trying to add an existing could be problematic or what’s going on. I’m not going to try to add at this point to see if can replicate. Guess can tag in @Mattches just to see if he can bring clarity in that regard. But will say Brave uses the below by default:

Brave First-Party Specific
Brave Social
Brave Specific
Brave Unbreak
Online Malicious URL Blocklist
Peter Lowe’s Ad and tracking server list
uBlock filters – Ads
uBlock filters – Badware risks
uBlock filters – Privacy
uBlock filters – Unbreak

I can’t find these lists mentioned anywhere in Brave setting.
If EasyList is already included in Brave then my problem is solved.

Yeah, it’s innate parts of it that can’t be removed/disabled. You can kind of confirm for yourself by checking out https://browserleaks.com/proxy which kind of checks to see what content filters are in use by people. You can try to enable certain ones and go back, you’ll notice it reflected.

Under the “default” tag; all the lists enabled by shields. Includes Easylist and Easyprivacy etc.

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