Brave Creators Limits? If any

Hi Brave Team.

I have a few questions regarding brave creators portal and want to know what are some of the limits of the platform - so hopefully you’ll be able to answer as I haven’t found any information online regarding this specific topic, so it would be great to have answers for public knowledge.

  1. How many websites can be added to the Brave Creators account?

  2. Any limitations on number of BAT that can be received by Brave Creators? (per channel or total)

  3. Would a large inflow of BAT flag the account for any misuse of the platform? (Possible 1k to 10k BAT a month)

More context on why im asking - I am a software developer and I see a potential in BAT project and I would like to experiment with the platform but I also don’t want to get my account flagged for misuse if i can avoid it - so if any devs are able to answer these questions, it would be greatly appreciated.

Kindest Regards

Hey Alen, just a regular user but here’s what I know:

  1. Not quite sure. There’s no limit explicitly mentioned anywhere.
  2. Nope, not as far as I know but refer to 3.
  3. At that point it’ll probably be flagged, yes, especially if you’re not a big creator.
    I’m not quite sure if the Brave team works something out once you reach that point, but, if you get a large inflow of BAT donations in such big amounts on a site then yea, you’ll have ‘Suspended BAT’ appear. I believe it doesn’t fully suspend your account if you own more than one site.
    At that point you have to provide proof & validity behind the BAT donations, and how you solicited BAT donations to your followers/subscribers.
    I believe it may inevitably be flagged at that point - it’s way higher than the average.

Just what I know, I’d recommend you wait on an official Brave staff to respond so you get a 100% accurate answer, things change all the time and whatnot.
Take care!

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Thanks Signal - That is valuable information to start off with.

As this project would be costly on my side, having BAT suspended and lost would make it not worth doing - I believe in transparency and doing business fairly, so providing information on how and why BAT is coming in wouldn’t be too much of an issue if it would raise limits.

With that, I’ll wait for Brave staff to respond as I believe there is a lot of innovation that can happen on top of BAT and Brave Browser, it has a lot of untapped potential, it all depends on how open the brave team is to these developments and how much control they want to have over BAT and it’s uses.

Anyway - Thank you once again.

Kindest Regards

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No limit, if you are not cheat. lol

ah here - how can one enjoy life if one doesn’t cheat here and there? :upside_down_face:

I assure you that there would be no cheating as i am a boring person.

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