Brave Browser Responsiveness Issue in Ubuntu 22.04

Description of the issue:
I’m experiencing a responsiveness issue in Brave Browser V1.64.116 on Ubuntu 22.04. When the browser is kept idle for a couple of seconds (without typing anything or scrolling) it freezes. Then I have to perform some kind of action (like clicking somewhere or scrolling) to activate it back again. Even this takes a couple of seconds. I initially experienced this in V1.64.114 (as far as I remember). Then it was resolved in the next update. But after updating to the latest version, I started experiencing the same issue.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. It is always present in this version.

Expected result: Response to the inputs smoothly as it used to be.

Brave Version( check About Brave): 1.64.116

Additional Information: I tried re-installing the browser. But the problem still persists. I installed the browser through the Snap Store.

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