Desktop browser freezes frequently on Ubuntu for unknown reasons

Description of the issue:
Since the past few weeks, Brave browser began freezing frequently during normal use. When the browser freezes, it usually last between half a a second to a few seconds, and can happen with different frequencies - several subsequent freezes may occur in quick succession or it may be a little while. The OS is kubuntu (Ubuntu 22.04 with KDE plasma desktop). There is no resource issue (ample amount of free memory, upwards of 8GB, no CPU-intensive processes).
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Install Kubuntu 22.04 along with Brave Browser using the official release channel
  2. There seems to be no specific procedure that can trigger the freezes other than plenty of interaction with the browser interface. Anything from switching tabs, typing and pasting, to right-clicking and scrolling, i.e. any even that should trigger a response from the browser appears to be a valid candidate (including typing in the search bar). I’m not sure how I can produce a log or get brave to print out debug information to a log file, otherwise I’d post it.

Expected result:
No freezing should occur. I’ve used brave browser for a long time (at least a year) with Kubuntu, and I’ve never encountered this issue.
Brave Version:
Version 1.65.114 Chromium: 124.0.6367.60 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Additional Information:
I’ve installed at least 2 or 3 updates through apt over the past week or two, but the problem has persisted. I’m not sure what the last working version number is.

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