I am using IOS 11 on my iPad. I am getting reloading on brave browser Version 1.6.6 ( whatever sites I go too can’t even post a images etc…
Do you mean the page goes into an infinite page load?
It’s reloading every time I try to post something.
Was this a clean install or an upgrade from previous build?
It was upgrade from previous build.
Please fixed the bug on IOS version on Brave browser it’s reloading every page jcink sites I go too.
We are about to release a new build soon which is an upgraded version of the current browser. You will have to upgrade to iOS 12 to receive the new update. I would recommend to upgrade the iOS version as soon as possible so that you would be ready to receive an update for the app as well. There wont be any more bug fixes on the current build.
Version 1.6.6 ( Device iPad Air (iOS 12.1.1)
Hopeful the bug will be fixed soon as possible.
The latest version 1.7 ( had fixed the bug.
Thanks a lot …
Closing the thread for now. Please log a new one if you come across any other issues on the new version