Brave Browser for iPadOS 17.5.1/17.6 crashes when selecting settings

Hi Brave Support

There’s an issue with Brave for iPadOS. Everytime I click Settings in the Menu the app crashes and when I reopen the app it asks if I would like to restore my tabs. Despite whatever option I choose upon reopening. If I were to select settings the app crashes right away.

I have tried uninstalling the app and reinstalling however the issue still persists. I probably was better off not uninstalling the app because now I cannot get into Settings to resync bookmarks, settings etc. If I click settings the Brave App still crashes.
Can anyone help please?

p.s there are no support tags for iPadOS

Kind regards,

Hi can you get us crashlogs? you can follow similar steps like here

Look for entries named Client

Hi Michal,

Thanks so much for the response. I have gathered the requested logs. Here they are. Please let me know if you have received them.


(Attachment Client-2024-08-04-111353.ips is missing)

(Attachment Client-2024-08-04-125020.ips is missing)

(Attachment Client-2024-08-04-154333.ips is missing)

Hi Michal,

Looks like the Logs did not send…is there an email or support folder I can send or upload these logs to?


Hi Michal

Actually maybe I had to change the extension to a txt file. Can you see the upload of the logs files now ?

Client-2024-08-04-111353.txt (67.0 KB)
Client-2024-08-04-125020.txt (68.6 KB)
Client-2024-08-04-154333.txt (66.5 KB)

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