Description of the issue:
The ‘Ask where to save files’ slider is not working. When the slider is set to ON and the internal storage is selected in settings, the browser saves downloaded files in the default download folder in the internal storage.
When the slider is set to ON and the SD Card is selected in settings, when trying to downalod a file it sais ‘download error’.
How can this issue be reproduced?
- Download Brave browser
- Go to Settings → Downloads.
- Set the SD card as the default download location.
- Set the ‘Ask where to save files’ to ON.
- Try to download a file.
Expected result:
I would expect the browser to show me a dialog window in order to select the desired download folder .
Brave Version( check About Brave
1.22.71 / Chromium 89.0.4389.114
Mobile Device details
Android 10; SM-960F Build/ QP1A.190711.020