Black screen on Netflix


I regularly get a black screen while playback on Netflix. Sound is still there. I have to stop playback and start it again. Picture is there again then?

Anyone else has this issue?

Nothing else seems to be wrong. I followed all the possible solutions that Netflix itself suggests for that error. No effect…

Hi, have you already installed Widevine (see here: Wildvine missing on New Brave )?
If not, Netflix may not immediately recognize that it is installed, and will only display a black screen over time.

Yes. Widevine is installed. Netflix works.

But sometimes turns to black screen with sound.

Only going back to main page and starting video again helps.

This only happens in Brave. I am back to my old Browser:(

Sounds like this could be a hardware acceleration issue. Can you try disabling it and see if that helps?
Settings --> Advanced --> System --> Hardware Acceleration


I turned Hardware acceleration off. So far, mo more Blackouts!

Thank you!