Black/Amoled theme?

Hello developers,
I used to apply black theme on brave from swift installer. But after 1.0.77 version it is not possible to built theme overlays due to some security reasons idk.

As black theme is everywhere nowdays because:

  1. It reduces stress on eyes &
  2. Also saves battery if your display is amoled

Please consider my request.
THANK YOU for this great platform which shields me from unwanted content as well as tracking.


Chrome is so slow implementing this. Be better than Chrome, Brave :wink:


I discovered a dark theme in the hidden options under chrome://flags/

The dark mode under “chrome://flags/” is quite bad (it shows white pages when pages are loading and most dark backgrounds are not pure black).
You should check the dark mode in the Samsung browser, it looks amazing on amoled displays. I would love to have that same feature in Brave.


Yea same.

Can we have at least black amoled interface on Android please?

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Go to the brave flags click dark mode for web contents then select HSL overlay option. This gives an amoled black dark mode. It’s not perfect yet but it’s a lot better than the standard dark mode