BAT don't sync with Uphold although it is verfied


hope someone can help me in this case. I’m using 2 desktop PCs with Brave browser.

On PC 1 I see ~160 BAT in my Brave Rewards, but in my Uphold Wallet there is shown ~2.3 BAT only. The wallet is verified and with my second PC 2 the BAT get transfered. What could be the problem?

Please help.


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Hi @blupp10,
To clarify both PCs have the same balance, correct?
It’s only Uphold that is displaying wrong?
And you connected each wallet to Uphold?

What’s the Brave version for each PC?
Are you on windows 10?

Hello @Aa-ron,

thanks for your reply.

No, PC 1 has 162.080 BAT, PC 2 has 2.330 BAT and in Uphold it’s 2,32997 BAT.
Both PCs are connected to the same wallet.

PC 1 Brave Version:
Version 1.17.73 Chromium: 87.0.4280.67 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit)

PC 2 Brave Version:
Version 1.17.73 Chromium: 87.0.4280.67 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit)

Yes, I’m using Windows 10 - build 2004 in both PCs.

EDIT: When I disconnect the wallet on PC1, I shows only 159,750 BAT in Brave Rewards. (so 162,080 (PC1) - 2,330 (PC2) = 159,750)

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Thanks @blupp10,

Please DM me a screen shot the general info tab found on brave://rewards-internals, for each PC and also a screenshot of each wallet/balance.

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