BAT disappeared from BRAVE but were not sent to the uphold account

Hello !
I accountered an issue on the payment date. I had a least 19 BAT ( even a little bit more ) before the payment day. After that, I still had around 25%of the amount (4.7 BAT) but no BAT was sent to my uphold account.
So, please can you tell me why I didn’t receveid the payout on my uphold account ? It’s about 14 BAT ( probably almost 15 BAT).
I have this configuration :

Brave Browser version : Version 1.8.86 Chromium: 81.0.4044.129 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Operating system : Linux Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
It’s only advertising rewards and auto contribution is deactivated.

On my second account, transaction has been done without any issue. Again only 75% but at least, I received them on my uphold account.

By the way, do you know why around 25% of my BAT are still on my brave account after payment day ?

I really wish I could have my ~14 BAT back.

Thanks in advance for you help.

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