Any free place in Additional Filters for Adguard Base Filter?


I was testing the effectiveness of the ADBlock system using the link Adblock-Tester.

Brave version: Version 1.20.110 Chromium: 88.0.4324.192 (Official Build) (64-bit)

1st test was using only Brave+Shields(aggressive trackers & adblocking). I got 80 points out of 100!
2nd test was Brave+Shields(aggressive trackers & adblocking) with additional filters (all Adguard’s filters). Got 95 points out of 100! Not bad!
3d test using Brave+Shields(aggressive trackers & adblocking)+uBlock Origin(with Adguard Base Filter only, remaining lists OFF). Got 100 points out of 100!!! Bingo!!! :partying_face:

So, my request is simple for you guys: Is there any way to add this Adguard Base Filter into the section “Additional Filters”? Seems to be effective against Banner Advertising.



Search for Custom Filters :slight_smile:

Hello @tonialb

i got 95 with standard shield and 100 with aggresive but i enabled all filters from here brave://adblock/

Hi guys,

Maybe I found what I was looking for, in this list: RU AdList (Дополнительная региональная подписка)

100 points out of 100 :slight_smile:

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Had added to Easylist. But its only a “Test Case” website, doesn’t show how good or bad a list is. There is plenty more filters not being checked.

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Thank you. :+1:

there is a cookie notice

Fixed in Nightly, and will land in Beta in the coming weeks. thanks @loa