Android rewards not transferring to verified uphold wallet

brave rewards is showing my full uphold BAT balance on android mobile, yet on desktop and on the uphold website the BAT balance is not reflecting android brave browser balance. Uphold wallet is verfied. Brave://rewards-internals on mobile is showing uphold balance and a Rewards BAT balance. Will the Rewards BAT balance auto transfer to my uphold eventually?

Payments are still processing.

After some more reading around the site my issue may be the amount of brave browsers in total i connected to uphold wallet. Limit is 3 supposedly. Not much documentation on this of any help i could find. Anyone out there know the way to get the BAT from my android mobile to uphold, now that we have the capability on android at this point?

I think the limit was 4.
Earlier the limit was 3. But after the last update for android which allowed to sync uphold accounts enabled users to add one more browser.

It’s quite simple if you have 25 BAT’s in your Android mobile.

Seems like still lots of wrinkles to iron out with the brave rewards . Issue is not resolved unfortunately.

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